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Saturday, March 3, 2018

ANGEL (Sarah McLachlan Cover) sung by Adam Cerny + Gabriel Mero Santucci / ANGEL (The Story of Addiction) by Adam Cerny

ANGEL (Sarah McLachlan Cover) sung by Adam Cerny and Gabriel Mero Santucci

**VITA MUTATUR NON-TOLLITUR (Life is changed, not taken away; Life is not removed but changed)**

Hi. My name is Adam Cerny, and I’m an addict.
(That was an example of click-bait. Sort of.)
Aren’t you an addict, as well? Aren’t we all? We all want to feel good, yes? Then, I’d venture to say that we are all addicts. Each of us struggles with a facet of addiction on a daily basis. It's as common + predictable as knowing that each day as we wake we'll be breathing oxygen.

I used to be a people-pleaser. This is one addiction of the several I’ve faced. I can tell you something that is true, though, about this. It’s amazingly sad. You will lose yourself trying to make everyone happy, but lose everyone trying to make yourself happy. If you take anything away from this blog post, remember that you will lose everyone. Maybe. Maybe not, though. That part is unwritten.

Let’s talk about addiction. I have, what people might consider, an addictive personality. Currently, I’m addicted to relief. RELIEF. It's my drug of choice. Okay. But, how so? I’m the Relief Addict. I am incredibly sensitive to discord. Addiction to relief provides me a distraction from discord.

If you're still following me, you'll see that I am on the same playing field as every single person on this planet. What I just described is more primal than conditional. Look at how similar we all are. So far. There's more.

Relief is very well-meaning. Everyone desires relief, to feel authentic joy + freedom. Through trial + error, we find activities + substances which create alignment for us. In turn, these activities + substances cause us to soften our focus on the things that cause discord within ourselves. This softness of focus allows us to feel relief. It's cyclical.

Here’s where things get tricky. The search for relief is well-intentioned, yet it causes addiction. Addiction becomes the escape. Addiction lies. It tricks our body + mind into thinking the only way we can achieve alignment (or, relief) is through these vices. We are actually addicted to the sensation of relief + alignment with being our true, authentic selves. We find this through alcohol, pornography, sugar, caffeine, cocaine, exercise, sex, cutting, the list goes on… however, this is all the same addiction, mentally.
Addiction is a tool which reinforces powerlessness. We use society as our point of contrast to gauge what is a detriment and what is not. What’s more in control of US, than US of IT?

I don’t have a cure for addiction, mentally or physically. I do, however, have questions we should be asking ourselves if we decide we want to break free from these illusory chains. Two aspects of this pernicious pandemic must be addressed. It's only a start, but, it does encourage a dialogue with yourself.

What is my catalyst for this addiction?
What am I trying to avert by escaping?

ANGEL by Sarah McLachlan was inspired by the accidental heroin overdose of Jonathan Melvoin, a musician who passed away in 1996. If you listen, again, to the words of this song, the message means something completely different. Doesn’t it?

Be good to yourselves, please. The only way to get over an addiction is through it. Find every reason you can to make sure your addiction isn’t driving you toward your demise. You are so incredibly loved. You might not even know it. I do, though. Why? Because I said so.

Thank you so much for watching!

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SMULE (singing):


-ADAM xoxo

MARCH 2018