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Sunday, August 19, 2018

VLOG #1: CHICAGO ROAD TRIP by Adam Cerny + Samuel Schelly

VLOG #1: CHICAGO ROAD TRIP by Adam Cerny + Samuel Schelly

Welcome to the first part of my new VLOG SERIES! I must thank the talented Samuel Schelly for conceiving the concept that fuels this first installment. I was wracking my brain for weeks asking myself, “What kind of film do I want to do next? What do I want to SAY? DO I have anything more to say?” This happened ad nauseam. One day, Samuel simply suggested, “Why don’t you do a Vlog?”

“A Vlog? REALLY?! I just don’t know if I’m that interesting. Would people even want to watch the REAL ME? People are only interested in me when I’m a character, or if I’m playing somebody who ISN’T ME.” - myself.

“DO A VLOG.” - Samuel.

Off we were. My new epoch was beginning. The content I’ve shared with my social media audience has undergone several renewals, face-lifts, alternations, and transmutations. What do I want to broadcast to the world? I’ll tell you.

I’m enough. Self-love is the trump card. Yet, while that concept is shoved down our throats in the present, we were (at least, indirectly) taught that self-love is parsimonious, self-indulgent. I’ll clear that up for you.

Answer: WRONG. Self-love is to, 100%, offer absolutely no resistance to yourself. That’s what self-love is. Even I am still figuring this all out, and to be honest, I’m not so sure I’m that great at it. And - that is okay. Because the truth of who I really am is not what I know will make me look attractive to other people.

I’m honest about my weaknesses, and the things I have a strong grasp on. It’s in THIS honesty that I can find some sort of STABLE platform of humility. Since love is my birthright, I decided that I’m interesting enough on my own. Vlog-time.

Road trip! Watch as Samuel + I navigate our way to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, getting continually lost, thinking about this really talented + pretty girl named Haley Teel, and fanning all over the toe-tapping Nik LaMaack. Then, we move onto some hilariously inappropriate + amazing moments with Samuel and I. Stay tuned for VLOG #2: COMING SOON!

Thank you so much for watching!

Be sure to like, comment, subscribe, share, and chat with me on these other social media platforms!
SMULE (singing):


-ADAM xoxo