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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

MRS. POTATO HEAD (Melanie Martinez) by Adam Cerny + Ashley Renée

MRS. POTATO HEAD (Melanie Martinez) by Adam Cerny + Ashley Renée

Beauty is so much more than the shape of your nose or the smoothness of your skin. Beauty has nothing to do with these attributes at all. Beauty is centered and essential to living. It has to do with the way we live and the way we love. Beauty has to do with the way we carry ourselves and carry those who can’t carry themselves. Your body is a work of art that does not need to be cut and pasted. We all need to embrace our uniqueness. Imagine our world where children grow up loving every inch of themselves, never hating what they saw in the mirror.

I'd like to also introduce one of my singing besties Ashley Renée. You can visit her SMULE SING page here - I've been so inspired by her voice, performance, emotion, presence, and the list goes on and on. We both share a common affinity for Lady Gaga. I'm continually inspired.
I hope you enjoy the performance. Let the message absorb and then look in the mirror. If you can go to bed with the person you see in the mirror - then you're set. That's half the battle, lovers.

-ADAM xoxo


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